Celebrating 10 Years Of ArtsTrain


As ArtsTrain turned 10 years old in September 2019, we decided to speak to 10 young people we've worked with since 2009, representing a wide scope of our many projects.

Their individual accounts are powerful reminders of the role music and creativity can play in personal development and wellbeing, as well as celebrating the many ways the arts can improve wider life skills.

Over the course of 2019, we caught up with previous participants to see how music, the arts and their time with ArtsTrain had shaped their future.

“ArtsTrain gave me the opportunity to be a part of something greater than myself and unlock my potential.”

— Troy, former ArtsTrain participant


Where Are They Now? Measuring ArtsTrain’s impact


While it’s difficult to measure how a young person is inspired or motivated, we asked our ten alumni to tell us about how their time with ArtsTrain had shaped their future, and how they interact with music and the arts now.

Their stories are a fitting reminder of the impact ArtsTrain has made on the young people we have worked with to date (over 4000 and counting!).

Meet our ArtsTrain alumni below, see where their time at ArtsTrain has led them, and feel free to share our report on your own channels, using the #artstrainis10 hashtag so we can see it.
